CORE CLARITY: Regenerative Healing Circle
Claire Anderson Graham facilitates Core Clarity, rooted in, assisted & liberated by Ger Lyons’ Core Transformation and Cellular Healing Training Events since 2009.
Connect with Claire Anderson Graham ~Nature Clan Permaculturist Arts
Orkney Mobile: 0755 413 7277 ~ claire@natureclan.net ~ natureclan.net
Core Clarity invites personal & spiritual alchemy transforming:
- Old trauma, disease, pain, fatigue, chronic body/mind/spirit conditions
- Addictive patterns, despair, feelings of wanting to give up on Life
- Stagnancy, lack of motivation, lethargy, depression
- Isolation, fear of moving forward, anxiety, panic attacks
- Childhood trauma, abandonment, abuse, neglect, lack of safety
- Anger, frustration, impatience with others, with Life or with ‘God’
- Lack of self-worth, low self-esteem, feeling undeserving
Core Clarity is an alchemical, transformational process that connects us directly to Source and activates the clearing of any limitations or blockages that are preventing us from our full expression. As this transmission of High Healing Sacred Energy melts into the body it begins to expose, release, and dissolve anything that is not based on Pure Love, Expansion and Growth of Consciousness.
Old imprints, mindsets and behaviour patterns are quickly dismantled and released. It is an effective process of Living Prayer that illuminates and reveals Living Blessings, Purpose & Guidance where they were once obscured. We work with High Healing Consciousnesses, as well as your own Guardians & Spirit Helpers.

It is normal to experience some heat, tingling or vibration as sacred energies clear your body’s resonance and field through a deep purification process. This is the unwinding & transmutation of traumas & limitations, opening the cells, expanding consciousness & allowing Life force to move freely again where it may have been stuck or stagnating due to blockages that are now dismantling, clearing & adjusting to a new level of freedom & clarity. |
Core Clarity opens a powerful doorway directly to the Heart of Our Creator, the Source of our Life, igniting an energetic, telepathic process for Cellular Healing & Core Transformation. This training opens our entire system to the highest levels of Light & Illumination. What resonates with these frequencies remains while all else surfaces to be released.
(For Info in Gaelic/English & Global healing events with Ger Lyons, please see: www.gerlyons.net).

Claire: “It is my pleasure to share decades of experience from training globally as a Facilitator, Singer, Songwriter, Artist, Earth Art & Architecture Builder/Teacher, Certified Permaculture Designer, & an Ethical & Co-creative Woman.
My passions are to share what inspires me: walking & singing in Nature, gardening food forests, teaching regenerative living, building eco-homes, creating art, & writing songs & stories to illuminate clarity.
From 2012 to 2016, I served as Permaculture Designer, Executive Assistant, Accounting/Quickbooks, Farmers’ Market Coordinator, BCorp Purchasing Expert, Website Editor & Blogger & Marketing Assistant for HOKU NUI MAUI, LLC in Makawao. (www.hokunui.com), a 260-acre Regenerative Farming Community.
The Maui Permaculture Network (MPN) began in 2006. I founded The MPN on April 19, 2006, by gathering a group of fellow, new, experienced, & elder Permaculturists together. We created The MPN to learn & to grow abundance & beauty.
We started with monthly potluck gatherings & weekly workshops. Our path now includes expanding to include Orkney, Scotland, & everyone in between, all around this planet. The MPN with our wider Maui island community is a powerful ‘ohana/family, united in dissolving the corruption of Nature, & human & environmental health at the root to allow the beauty & truth of our Nature to flourish & thrive in diversity and unity.
I invite co-creation on Orkney to begin:
- Exploring my roots, inviting & accessing further ancestral healing & gifts
- Recording Songs, Writing Songs & Singing,
- Sharing Regenerative Living Workshops, inc. Body Ecology(.com),
- Co-Designing Nature-inspired Homes, Community Markets & Events
- (Homes inspired by Rumi’s Poetry & Nader Khalili of CalEarth (.com))
- Co-Creating Rippling Positive Effects across Scotland, Ko Hawaii Pae Aina, & our Earth Family Home.
Thank you for being here. Everyone has value. We are Nature.
Aloha, Beauty & Clarity,