The presence in these stones has been calling me here for years. And, here I am. I have nothing to say. And so, it is funny what came through, as I am now without my usual waterfall of words. Not even a trickle.
Today, my new friend and professional Guide of Orkney’s sacred sites, Kath Wood told me, “You should write a book.”
I am told that over and over. Is now the time? Now is the time. Yes.
And, so, the day I met the Stones of Stenness,
and The Ness of Brodgar,
and The Ring of Brodgar I could feel something else wanting to be born, birthed, expressed, illuminated.
Stories are fun to write and share, and this journey is the perfect adventure, with photos, to embark on a full epic telling, and then, the next time the 100th person says, “You should write a book.” I’ll say, “I have. It’s called….”…& it will have a title.
How fun, something new…like being connected to these Stones and works of Art and Function.
I will trust whatever comes through, in its own timing. Magic is carrying me now. I must trust & move with what is moving me.
Stone of Stenness
Thank you for sharing your spiritual odyssey cum home-coming. It inspires me and give me hope, that my someday walk-a-bout, writing etc. will unfold as the magic you speak of moves through and guides me.
That all feels very abstract and out of my reach at present – I am excited for you that you are there making it real, the sharing of which allows others (me) to dare to dream.