Scotland is Home.


Hopeful, Beaming, & Walking with my Ancestor's through Open Doors
Claire’s arrival Home
Edinburgh airport
May 27, 2016, 4:40pm

Welcome to this step, this precious first step into what can only be met with awe. Stepping into The Mystery with no plan, only willingness, faith & love. Seems like a perfect toolkit to guide & carry me, and then there are my 5 bits of luggage, full of endless art supplies, and my guitar, Valentine. Oh, yes, we are Home.

Tracking Magic: JFK to LON, Daniel, from Germany, & N.C., & BMW, & the other 2 men in my row had also missed their flights, so we were very happy together. Carol sat next to me for this last flight, very kindly sharing her Scottish insights as a local, and her daughter’s name is Iona.The Waterboys’ “Peace of Iona” being a favorite song in our Core Transformation & Cellular Healing Circles with Ger Lyons (





When I boarded the plane from London Heathrow, I had missed two flights, in LAX & JFK, and nearly a third. I had run in 4″ comfortable heels with these 3 carry-on bags, my sheepskin and my guitar up and down escalators and across JFK, to the very end, Gate 3.

Beautiful symmetry
The final flight to Edinburgh. I left my guitar on board & it was thrown at me by the angry steward in baggage claim, over a woman’s erect extended left leg as she sat in her wheelchair. Apparently, my delight, altered state from exhaustion & oblivion were beyond his care. He was so nice when I boarded, Paul Daniels let me take this photo before the crowd filled it all up. I was the last seat on the right: 24A

I had slept a total of 4 hours in 3 days, and found myself, irrepressibly grateful, wandering my mind during the long flights; 5 + 5 + 7 + 1 = 18 hours of long flights across the world, smiling at all the sweet friends’ faces who linger there, reminding me it took the whole village to get me here, to make me clear, to lift my wings for this flight, finding myself steadily eager to feel Scotland again.

Author: Claire Anderson Graham

I'm happy. Permaculture guides me to live knowing WE ARE NATURE.

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